Saturday, April 9, 2016

Meditations for April 8

Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday’s Touchstones meditations quote is by Dick Gregory, and it states “I’m not into isms and asms. There isn’t a Catholic moon and a Baptist sun. I know the universal God is universal…I feel that the same God-force that is the mother and father of the pope is also the mother and father of the loneliest wino on the planet. Today, I am grateful for God’s care. May I learn to increase in trust and knowledge of God.” 

I checked out a sample tarot card reading on youtube, for fun, and I added a summary of my day with the reading in order to compare my actual day with Friday's reading. 
Wheel of the Year Card Reading for Friday, 4.8.16
All these cards look very colorful and dramatic. 

The Tower card, 16th card, depicts a tree being struck by lightning in a storm, and it falls down to the ground. All the fruits fall, and there are black birds flying around the tree. Something dramatic happens on Friday which will create a major upheaval. (When I woke up this morning, I got ready for the gym and changed my clothes. But after I ate my breakfast, I noticed that it is pouring rain outside. I had a feeling it was going to rain because it did look cloudy and cold, but I wasn’t actually sure it will until it actually did. Then, when I noticed this card stating an “upheaval,” I thought to myself what if there is some kind a major disruption or violent occurrence happening this morning because there tends to be lots of car accidents occurring at certain areas here, and sometimes the weather affects these disruptive situations. So, I decided to skip my yoga workout this morning).

The 8 of Chalices card depicts a woman crying because a man has left her. It could indicate that there is a distance between you and something or someone, but it is for a good reason. (I am not sure who this person or thing is that I am kept for a distance from during this time). 

The 4 of Chalices card depict a woman sitting by the window waiting patiently for something as she watches the rain outside. (This card fits today well because when it rains, I often either lay on the bed or sit on the couch watching the rain come down, and wondering about stuff as I patiently wait to see if anything I am waiting for occurs). 

There appears to be more distance between you and something you love or close to or there might be some kind of temporary setback in your life. But this is only temporary. (Yeah, I think in my case, there might be some kind of temporary setback). 

In the numerology aspect of this reading, these three cards add up to 28, and the number 28 reduces to 1. The number 1 means it is time to start and create a new chapter in your life. (I agree with this one that I need to start and create a new chapter in my life. I signed up for another OCMeetUp this evening, and I am hoping it will direct me toward the right direction in my writing career because it is someone’s book tour, and he talks about books and business).

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